“I Have a Dream” Elementary School Project

Two of our elementary school classes began learning the impact that Martin Luther King had as we celebrated MLK Day. 
Two of our elementary school classes began learning the impact that Martin Luther King had as we celebrated MLK Day. 
The First Grade drew portraits of the influential minister and civil rights leader, while the Third Grade learned about his “I Have a Dream” speech.
The Third Grade learned about Dr. King’s iconic speech, focusing on the change he set out to inspire. Speaking from the heart while challenging all who heard.
Based on his speech, the students were tasked with writing their own “I Have a Dream” speech, telling of areas they wish to inspire change in.
Hartfield Academy is fully accredited by both the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS), the MidSouth Association of Independent Schools (MAIS), the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI) and the Southern Association of independent Schools (SAIS).