Each year over 90% of our Hartfield families return for the following school year. Even though we have made adjustments year after year to make the process of re-enrollment as user-friendly as possible we believe it can be even better. We are so excited to announce Continuous Enrollment – once you’ve re-enrolled this year, you will never have to re-enroll again! We will do all the work for you and roll your information over each year.
The typical re-enrollment season (January through February) will simply be a series of communication reminders from the Enrollment Office to inform you of tuition costs, enrollment fees, and prompting families that might be considering withdrawing from Hartfield to notify us prior to January 15th. We are blessed to have a very strong retention rate, so continuous enrollment will give you the convenience of having to do absolutely nothing after this year and the peace of mind knowing that your child has their seat here at Hartfield until they graduate.